Enhancing Cloud Computing Security Through Artificial Intelligence-Based Architecture

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Sundeep Reddy Mamidi


Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern digital infrastructure, offering scalable resources and convenient access to data and services. However, ensuring robust security within cloud environments remains a critical challenge. In this paper, we propose an Artificial Intelligence-Based Architecture (AIBA) designed to enhance cloud computing security. By leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning, the proposed architecture aims to detect, prevent, and mitigate various security threats in cloud systems. Through a combination of advanced algorithms, real-time monitoring, and adaptive responses, AIBA offers proactive defense mechanisms against cyber attacks, data breaches, and unauthorized access. We discuss the key components and functionalities of AIBA, as well as its potential applications and benefits in strengthening cloud security infrastructure.

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How to Cite
Mamidi, S. R. . (2024). Enhancing Cloud Computing Security Through Artificial Intelligence-Based Architecture. Journal of Artificial Intelligence General Science (JAIGS) ISSN:3006-4023, 5(1), 63–72. https://doi.org/10.60087/jaigs.v5i1.166