Collatz Conjecture Solution

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Gaurangkumar Girishbhai Patel


The Collatz conjecture, also known as the 3n + 1 conjecture, stands as one of the most enduring unsolved problems in mathematics. Proposed by German mathematician Lothar Collatz in 1937, the conjecture poses a deceptively simple question: can iteratively applying two basic arithmetic operations—dividing even numbers by 2 and multiplying odd numbers by 3 and adding 1—lead any positive integer to converge to the value 1? Despite extensive computational verification for vast ranges of integers, a proof or disproof remains elusive. This abstract explores the historical background, various attempts at proving the conjecture, and its implications across mathematical domains.

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How to Cite
Patel, G. G. . (2024). Collatz Conjecture Solution. Journal of Artificial Intelligence General Science (JAIGS) ISSN:3006-4023, 1(1), 163–165.