Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review ISSN: 3078-8358 <p>The "Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review" (JISSR) is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary research and dialogue within the realm of social sciences. Established with the aim of promoting cross-disciplinary collaborations and advancing knowledge in diverse areas of social inquiry, JISSR serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to share their insights, theories, methodologies, and empirical findings.</p> <p>JISSR welcomes contributions from various disciplines within the social sciences, including but not limited to sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, geography, communication studies, cultural studies, education, and interdisciplinary studies. The journal publishes original research articles, literature reviews, theoretical essays, case studies, and methodological papers that offer innovative perspectives, critical analyses, and theoretical advancements in understanding complex social phenomena.</p> en-US (Md.Mafiqul Islam) (Rashed Khan) Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Exploring the Role of Behavioral Economics in Understanding Decision-Making Processes <p>This paper aims to underscore the invaluable role of behavioral economics in elucidating the decision-making process. In order to comprehensively grasp the attitudes and mechanisms underlying decision-making, it becomes imperative to integrate subjective and psychological dimensions inherent in behavioral economics. Such integration redefines rational behavior beyond the confines of classical and neoclassical paradigms, opening new avenues of exploration. While this approach may challenge conventional economic development models, its consideration of multifaceted factors influencing individual decision-making promises a more nuanced understanding of economic phenomena and the discovery of viable solutions.</p> Md.Mafiqul Islam Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Approaching Gender Issues from a Socio-Political Perspective <p>This article explores the role of gender in the political sphere of both state and society. Beginning with an examination of the term "gender," its origins, and the conceptual frameworks developed by Western scholars, the article delves into the study of gender relations. Through the use of data and statistical examples, it emphasizes the significance of gender policy in addressing political challenges faced by public authorities, particularly in light of the increasing importance of women's participation in modern politics.The focus then shifts to international efforts aimed at reforming gender policies, with specific attention given to developments in Uzbekistan. The article concludes by highlighting the necessity of ensuring gender equality while enhancing women's political participation in public administration. It offers recommendations for achieving these goals and emphasizes the importance of gender-inclusive political practices.</p> Rashed Khan Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Economic Globalization on International Relations in the Era of Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence <p>The nexus between politics and economics is undeniable, with the latter often serving as a cornerstone for the former. Thus, shifts in international relations can be comprehensively analyzed within the framework of economic progress. As we entered the twenty-first century, the advancement of information technology and the rapid enhancement of transportation capabilities have significantly reduced the cost of cross-regional trade for human beings. This has led to the widespread integration of production and product circulation across the globe, fostering closer ties among nations. The acceleration of resource and financial capital circulation has propelled rapid global economic integration, where any major economy's shock can induce instability globally.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Amidst this backdrop, political relations among nations have generally remained harmonious, despite occasional regional conflicts that tend to be relatively peaceful. Particularly in recent years, with wireless communication and artificial intelligence revolutionizing decision-making processes, the economic interdependence among countries has reached unprecedented levels. Simultaneously, international relations have become notably more intricate and volatile. To navigate this complexity effectively, it is imperative to explore the trends in international economic development within the context of contemporary technology.This research aims to dissect the impact of economic globalization on international relations under the backdrop of wireless communication and artificial intelligence. It seeks to elucidate the new facets of economic globalization within this framework and discern its potential ramifications for international relations. Furthermore, it delves into strategies for our country to better safeguard its own rights and interests through adept adjustments in international policies amid such evolving dynamics.</p> Jeff Shuford Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Advancing Education: Emerging Tools for Distributed Learning <p>The rapid evolution of technology has transformed traditional educational paradigms, giving rise to distributed learning models that transcend geographical and temporal boundaries. This study explores the emerging tools and technologies driving the advancement of distributed learning, focusing on their application, benefits, and challenges in contemporary education. Key innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), cloud-based platforms, and adaptive learning systems are examined for their role in enhancing learner engagement, personalization, and accessibility. The article also highlights the implications of these technologies for educators, institutions, and policymakers in designing effective and inclusive learning environments. By analyzing current trends and future prospects, this research aims to provide a comprehensive framework for leveraging technological advancements to foster equitable and high-quality education for all.</p> Dr Patrick Zingisa Msekelwa Copyright (c) 2024 ©2024 All rights reserved by the respective authors and JAIGC Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Intersecting Identities: Gender, Race, and Class through the Lens of Interdisciplinary Inquiry <p>This article explores the intersectionality of gender, race, and class through the lens of interdisciplinary inquiry, highlighting how these social identities intersect to shape individuals’ experiences, opportunities, and challenges. By examining theoretical frameworks and empirical research from multiple disciplines, the study reveals the complex and multifaceted ways in which gender, race, and class interact and inform one another. The article emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary approaches in understanding the nuances of identity and social inequality, offering new insights into how these identities are negotiated and experienced across different contexts. Drawing on case studies and contemporary examples, the article critically engages with existing literature to expand the conversation on how social categories are interwoven and how they influence power dynamics, privilege, and marginalization. Through this interdisciplinary lens, the paper proposes new avenues for research and practice aimed at addressing intersectional inequities and promoting social justice.</p> Safa Bennamate Copyright (c) 2024 ©2024 All rights reserved by the respective authors and (JISSR) Wed, 07 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000