Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Synergies and Challenges

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Jeff Shuford


Due to the explosive rise of quantum computing, there has been intense competition in business and academics in the field of quantum optics in recent decades. The current invention's overall scalability in quantum computing has surpassed many orders of magnitude, whereas ubiquitous quantum computers can support up to hundreds of quantum bits, or thousands of qubits. Strong machines continue to be developed. As a result, ethnicity has served as the inspiration for a huge number of studies and reports. This essay offers an introduction for everyone who would truly like to understand more about the ideas of quant communication and computing from a machine learning standpoint. It starts with such an educational approach and goes on to cover important turning points and the latest advancements in quantum computing. In this research, these fundamental characteristics of such a virtual network are divided into four major challenges, each of which has been thoroughly examined. correspondingly, A, B, C, and D stand for quantum physics, networking, security, and algorithms. The main issues, important areas of research, and most recent advancements are discussed as the article comes to a close.

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How to Cite
Shuford, J. . (2024). Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Synergies and Challenges. Journal of Artificial Intelligence General Science (JAIGS) ISSN:3006-4023, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.60087/jaigs.v1i1.35