Author Guidelines for the Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review

The Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review is committed to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research that engages with the dynamic intersections of various social sciences disciplines. Our journal encourages interdisciplinary approaches, fostering dialogue between disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, economics, and other social sciences. Below, you will find the submission guidelines for prospective authors.

  1. General Information
  • The Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review publishes original research articles, review articles, theoretical discussions, case studies, and methodological innovations.
  • Articles must contribute significantly to the understanding of social phenomena, issues, and policies from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • Submissions must be written in clear, concise English.
  • All articles are subject to double-blind peer review. Authors will be notified about the outcome within 4-6 weeks of submission.
  1. Submission Process
  • Manuscript Submission: All submissions should be made electronically via the journal’s submission portal (insert submission link).
  • Cover Letter: A cover letter is required with your submission. In this letter, please provide a brief description of your research, its interdisciplinary approach, and why it is suitable for this journal.
  • File Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in Word (.docx) format. Ensure that all figures, tables, and references are included in the same document.
  1. Article Types
  • Research Articles: These should present original research findings. The article must include sections such as Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  • Review Articles: These articles should synthesize the literature in a specific area of the social sciences, with a focus on providing new insights, frameworks, or future research directions.
  • Theoretical Discussions: Articles that present or advance new theories or conceptual frameworks in the interdisciplinary social sciences.
  • Case Studies: Practical applications or real-world examples of social science theories or research methods.
  • Methodological Innovations: Articles that propose new or modified research methods applicable across the social sciences.
  1. Manuscript Structure
  • Title: The title should be concise, informative, and clearly reflect the article’s focus.
  • Abstract: A 200-300 word abstract summarizing the key points of your paper, including research aims, methods, findings, and implications.
  • Keywords: Provide 4-6 keywords that reflect the primary themes of your article.
  • Main Text:
    • Introduction: Introduce the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study.
    • Literature Review: Summarize relevant existing research, highlighting gaps your work addresses.
    • Methodology: Clearly describe the methods or approaches used in your research.
    • Results/Findings: Present the results of your research clearly, using appropriate tables and figures.
    • Discussion: Interpret the results, draw conclusions, and suggest possible implications for theory, practice, or future research.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key findings and their implications.
  • References: References should be formatted according to APA 7th edition style. Please ensure all references are cited correctly in the text and listed in the reference section.
  1. Word Count
  • Research Articles: 5,000-8,000 words.
  • Review Articles: 8,000-10,000 words.
  • Other Article Types: 3,000-5,000 words.
  1. Figures, Tables, and Appendices
  • Figures: All figures should be numbered consecutively and include clear captions. Please submit figures in high-resolution (minimum 300 DPI).
  • Tables: All tables should be numbered consecutively, and each should have a clear title and notes, where necessary.
  • Appendices: If necessary, appendices should be included after the references.
  1. Ethics and Plagiarism
  • Authors must ensure that their work adheres to ethical standards in research. All human or animal studies must have received appropriate ethical approval.
  • Manuscripts should not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The journal employs plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of submitted manuscripts.
  1. Copyright and Permissions
  • Upon acceptance of an article, authors are required to sign a copyright transfer agreement. The article will then become the property of the journal.
  • Authors must obtain permission to reproduce any third-party material (such as figures or tables) included in the manuscript.
  1. Review Process
  • Manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers will assess the article's originality, methodological rigor, clarity, and contribution to interdisciplinary social sciences.
  • Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewer feedback. Revised articles will be reviewed again to ensure that all concerns have been addressed.
  1. Publication Fees
  • The journal charges a publication fee of 80 Us Dollar to cover the costs associated with publication, peer review, and journal management. Payment details will be provided upon acceptance of the article.
  1. Contact Information

For any inquiries or further information, please contact the editorial team at:
Phone: whatsapp: +8801729501286