The Influence of Economic Globalization on International Relations in the Era of Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence

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Jeff Shuford


The nexus between politics and economics is undeniable, with the latter often serving as a cornerstone for the former. Thus, shifts in international relations can be comprehensively analyzed within the framework of economic progress. As we entered the twenty-first century, the advancement of information technology and the rapid enhancement of transportation capabilities have significantly reduced the cost of cross-regional trade for human beings. This has led to the widespread integration of production and product circulation across the globe, fostering closer ties among nations. The acceleration of resource and financial capital circulation has propelled rapid global economic integration, where any major economy's shock can induce instability globally.


Amidst this backdrop, political relations among nations have generally remained harmonious, despite occasional regional conflicts that tend to be relatively peaceful. Particularly in recent years, with wireless communication and artificial intelligence revolutionizing decision-making processes, the economic interdependence among countries has reached unprecedented levels. Simultaneously, international relations have become notably more intricate and volatile. To navigate this complexity effectively, it is imperative to explore the trends in international economic development within the context of contemporary technology.This research aims to dissect the impact of economic globalization on international relations under the backdrop of wireless communication and artificial intelligence. It seeks to elucidate the new facets of economic globalization within this framework and discern its potential ramifications for international relations. Furthermore, it delves into strategies for our country to better safeguard its own rights and interests through adept adjustments in international policies amid such evolving dynamics.

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How to Cite
Shuford , J. . (2024). The Influence of Economic Globalization on International Relations in the Era of Wireless Communication and Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Review ISSN: 3078-8358, 1(1), 18–24.