current trends of library automation Academic library in Bangladesh A case study on Rajshahi University Central Library

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Mafiq Islam


This research focuses on current trends of library automation in Rajshahi University Central Library. This research try to find out RUCL various work sections and services present status. The work is confined on one university library in Bangladesh. It try to investigate on different aspects and function. Finally the work find out some problems and suggestions on rajshahi university central library automation system. This study provides a bird’s eye on automation system rajshahi university central library view but don’t give a total idea on library automation system in Bangladesh


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How to Cite
Islam, M. 2022. current trends of library automation Academic library in Bangladesh: A case study on Rajshahi University Central Library. Journal of Knowledge Learning and Science Technology ISSN: 2959-6386 (online). 1, 1 (Feb. 2022), 24–36. DOI: